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Johny Simple Magazine 2 Template

This template design in magazine style, names Johny Simple Magazine 2 because the header view similar to the first series. On the homepage there are 5 widgets to put the sidebar as you want and there's a sidebar for ad size 650 x 80 which is located under the main wrapper. On the right sidebar I added a accordion sidebar from, for more details please see the demo. In the postpage, you have no longer need to add codes related posts that usually put in the bottom of the posts, this template is to provide such features and columns for size 300 x 250 ad next to (see demo).

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Features :
  • Image content slider
  • News ticker
  • Page navigation
  • Ads ready
  • 2/3 columss widget
  • 3 columns footer
  • Accordion sidebar
  • Widget subscription ready
  • Category with thumbnail
  • This template work with no static page
  • and more
For more detail please visit this link


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Điện Máy Tân Bình said...

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Điện Máy Tân Bình said...

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